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Elements of our current employment market were highlighted at a recent forum.

The interactive format was a catalyst for lively exchange of knowledge on talent attraction strategies in our employment market, the risk of companies creating their own talent shortage and elements of candidate experience.

Following is feedback and commentary, including Pohlen Partners’ observations and mitigating tactics.

Competitive talent environment (locally, nationally and globally), providing opportunity for candidates to be selective and negotiate offers

  • Mixed market with multiple applicants for some positions; while for other critical roles market for top talent is competitive. 

  • Business impact of declined offers through recruitment process delays or non-aligned remuneration strategy

    • Positioning Recruitment as an investment

    • investing in structured process and remuneration strategy to identify, secure and retain top talent

    • investing time and expertise of line manager to ensure engagement with candidates

  • Measure and share (with Hiring Manager) the cost impact of delays in appointing

  • Encourage timely process and openness to negotiate, where value recognised

Critical importance of Employment Brand and Employee Value Proposition

  • Understanding and promoting the EVP a significant marketing opportunity, providing ‘point of difference’ to attract talent

    • Gaining insights into candidate motivators and align EVP with these

    • Ensuring hiring managers’ commitment to promoting EVP/opportunity through interview process

    • Sharing stories and promote success

    • Partnering with advocates who promote your brand

Recognition of ‘candidate as a customer’ – from first engagement, through recruitment, to on-boarding

  • Competitive edge achieved through positive engagement creating market impact

    • Elevating Hiring managers’ understanding of positive / negative commercial impact of candidate experience during recruitment process

    • Awareness and management of external market representation

Value of partnerships

  • Partnering with relevant organisations (ITO’s, Education, Government) to source talent

  • Industry and cross-industry collaboration; secondments, rotation, mobility

    • Strategic partnering to extend recruitment resource towards sustainable appointments delivering ROI



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