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Reflecting on our activity for the first half of 2021, it is evident that our network has been pragmatic in its focus on moving forward in a bold way.

Employment intentions are high, new roles continue to be introduced to meet refreshed strategic plans and market movement has increased. People across functions have been expressing interest in changing positions, the demand for contract resource has grown sharply from 2020 and Career Transition and Development services are again being offered by quality organisations.

With our business at the heart of this activity, we have been delivering to our purpose –

Recruitment expertise growing businesses and careers

Commentary in the media on talent availability is worth mentioning - there are shortages that are sector sensitive, real and constraining businesses. There are also abundances, more people than positions available.

Our perspective is –

Talent abundances are prevalent. For many positions we have significant interest, greater volumes of candidates and employing companies have exceptional choice of talent to add capability to their teams. This is usually at cost effective remuneration rates with individuals focusing on stimulating careers, great organisations and expansion of skills.

Talent shortages that exist are at any level in any function where employers complain they can’t find people with desired skills and experience at exactly the remuneration they’d like to pay.

The question - is it a true talent shortage or a set of circumstances in which unrealistic expectations of a hiring manager lead them to wait for the perfect candidate (or a unicorn...) to show up?

If the latter, a shift in hiring attitude to accurately reflect alignment of needs and resource will overcome the perceived talent shortage allowing sourcing of keen job seekers in the market.

Where a true talent shortage exists - by location, specific functional area, or particular experience - greater competition for candidates requires an organisation to stand out as an employer, to formulate talent strategies tailored to needs and to focus on employee engagement.

Cultural add is gaining momentum as sectors source talent from industries other than their own. The benefits are evident with application of expertise to the new environment that disrupts traditional industry mindsets and takes them forward with positive impact.

Leadership positions continue to be impacted in New Zealand by –

Global restructures with a theme of functional reporting lines

Regional offices accepting responsibility for NZ business

Flattening structures of contemporary companies

Our commitment is to stay connected and supportive of our network, you are welcome to be in contact if you have any questions, or would like more information for you or your teams.

Email us -



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